quiet hands.

Many years ago, 10 to be exact, I sat before my teacher, Max Strom. I listened as he talked about the stress related disorders that yoga helps to heal. He spoke about how in order to heal, we must move our nervous system into a state of “rest and digest” or in other words, activate the parasympathetic nervous system. He shared practices, little things we could do, to help move towards a more relaxed state.

At that time, this information was not commonly discussed and shared as it is today. It felt like magic to me to understand how breathing deeply and moving awareness into the body, could help humans to feel better.

Interestingly, even though we talk more openly about stress today and ways to manage it, there seems to be more of it than ever. It is a silent epidemic. We need to be reminded over and over that one of the quickest ways to relax our nervous system is to take a deep breath. We need our practices over and over, to help us manage the doubt and trepidation that creep back in, uninvited and usually, unannounced.

So today, I share with you 3 words that my teacher shared with me all of those years ago, that help me relax. 3 words that for some reason, land in my body so beautifully and help me for moments at a time, to shift into ease.

Try them for yourself. Close your eyes and repeat:

Quiet your hands.

That’s it. Just quiet your hands.

Quiet hands = quiet mind.

Thank you Max. Your words are magic.

Love to you all! Come see us soon!

Tammy 💛


the body.


golden today.