your mind.

This is an excerpt from another piece of writing I am working on. I have shared some of this before, but it is a constant work in progress. It is a practice to try on your own after you read through once:

let your mind rest on your breath

the innate intelligence of the rise and fall

let your mind rest on your heartbeat

the pulsating life within you, the force

let your mind rest on your immense source of love

feeling the intangible warmth wash over you

let your mind rest on the song of the birds

the earth beneath your barefeet, the smell of lilacs blooming

let your mind rest on goodness

toothy smiles, gushy hugs, tears of joy, drops of sweat, goofy laughter, potent words, summer, pink skies, warm puppy breath, the smell of yoga, the soft humid air on your skin

let your mind rest on the beauty of it all

let your mind rest

it is the rest, that makes the rest possible 💛

Big love,


going back.


your state.