on clocks.

Good morning!

Honor this day by arriving in each moment with an open heart, fierce determination and the fullest breath possible.

Try this: Set your timer for 3 minutes and then worry. For many of us, we don’t have to try very hard to worry. It’s what we are doing most of the time. But just experience 3 minutes of worry.

Now, set your timer again for 3 minutes and close your eyes. Breathe deep, rhythmic, audible breaths. Breathe the the kind of breaths that reach all of the way down to the depths of your being. the ones that feel fluid like a wave rising and falling, the ones that sound like the ocean. Experience 3 minutes of conscious breath.

In conclusion of these 6 minutes, spent, used, experienced - consider how you felt different at the end of the 2nd round - the round of breathing deeply.

And then you get to choose how you want to spend your minutes today.

Breathe deeply friends, I am there with you - doing the same work. We are breathing together today.

Big love,


try this.


Believe in CLE - Friday, September 3, 2021