simple stillness.

We know for sure that conscious stillness heals our nervous system.

We don’t have to call it meditation or even apply rigid guidelines. We can begin by just practicing stillness in our day to day lives as a way to reset.

One practice of stillness is to simply stand still, wherever you are, and come fully into your bodily sensations. Feel into your feet planted on the ground, your head up and your heart open. Feel into your surroundings, the temperature of the air on your skin, what you smell and what you hear. Take one deep breath in and then follow it all the way out.

This kind of simple stillness practice can be done almost anywhere and immediately relaxes your nervous system and brings you into the present moment.

Try this the next time you are standing in line at Target or Heinens instead of grabbing your phone and taxing your nervous system with more distractions.

Your body will thank you!

Big love,


your thoughts.


yoga gives.