stay supple.
Good morning!
Inspired by the archives…
Supple is defined as: bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible.
To me the quality of being supple is found in the middle of strength and surrender, the point of connection between adaptive and responsive, the fertile ground of navigating with presence but without force.
We find supple on our mats through the balance of the breath and movement, muscular energy and organic energy as well as being willing to bow inwards and equally ready to rise up. In our practice we find the suppleness of our musculature and our minds, our joints and our energy. Our skin and our hearts.
Being supple feels good. It feels like being open-hearted and yet strong. It feels like having the range of motion available at any moment to respond as needed - not caged in by rigidity or limited by heaviness. Supple is a state of physicality but also a state of mind and even a spiritual state.
Practicing asana and pranayama develops suppleness.
Just in case you needed a reason to get on your mat today.
Stay supple ♥️
Big love,