In any moment that you need to shift your attention, calm yourself down, reset, return to the present, this practice of the 4-7-8 breath is available for you.
4,7,8 is one of the most simple, accessible and friendly breathing practices and begins to heal almost immediately.
Try this today:
4-7-8 Breath - This practice can be done seated, standing or lying down - you can even practice in the car - just don’t close your eyes! The inhale comes in through your nose and the exhale can be done through your nose or your mouth if that feels easier for you.
Close your eyes.
Press all of your breath out and get completely empty.
Inhale to the count of 4
Hold your breath in, to the count of 7
Press your breath out to the count of 8
Repeat 3x
Enjoy 😉
Big love,