Soften Your Workday With These 5 Suggestions
Yoga happens in the body as well as in the mind, no poses necessary! Try these at work to put some ease into your day.

Yoga at Work? 5 Ways to Create Space in your Day, Space in your Mind
Here are 5 easy ways to incorporate yoga into your workday. You don’t have to change your clothes, drive to a studio or get sweaty.

Happy Workers Increase Productivity, According to Statistics
Meditation is an easy form of mental training that calms the nervous system, including the mind, and leads to a sense of contentment. This feeling is directly linked to productivity.

Google, Apple, Nike and More Offer Meditation at Work
Mindfulness? Meditation? At work? Yes.

Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace
Happiness and productivity are not only related, they're practically indistinguishable. Learn about the benefits of practicing meditation in the workplace.

Inner Bliss Where You Work? We Deliver!
Inner Bliss Yoga Studio is proud to introduce Bliss Works, an extension of Inner Bliss Yoga Studios offering yoga experiences in the workplace.

The Real Cost of Busyness
According to the World Health Organization, the cost of stress to American businesses is as high as $300 billion.

Yoga and The Leadership Track
Developing effective leaders is a challenge faced by every forward-looking organization. Yoga creates leaders.

My Aha! Moment: Busy is No Longer a Badge of Honor
For many decades, being busy was a badge of honor, that we wore proudly and boldly on our chests. But if you and I are anything alike, this badge of honor took its toll.