Why Patty Shows Up
Every single time I show up, I walk out physically looser and mentally stronger.

Why Lyndsey Shows Up - A Personal Journey of Healing and Recovery
I show up because I've been given a second chance.

Why Karen Shows Up - A Poem
A cute, creative and meaningful poem explains why Karen shows up.

Why I Show Up
It's not hyperbole for me to say that I love everything about Inner Bliss Yoga.

Megan Shows Up
Yoga is growth, acceptance, letting go, and encouragement to keep breathing through tough stuff, good stuff, and all the stuff in between.

Nicole Shows Up
This is why I show up and also what yoga has taught me: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"

Kim Shows Up
I show up in honor of the tiny fears we all face every day, and the big fears we all inevitably will face at some point in our lives.