"Inner Bliss" Explained
People often ask, "How did you come up with the name for Inner Bliss?"
The answer is not spectacular or clever really but I will share it because I think there is a quality to this story that can be a nudge for all of us.
In the midst of my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Immersion (in 2002) I entered a state for moments at a time where I felt ease and strength join together and hold me in a way that felt sacred. Doubt and fear lost their grip on me and for moments at a time, I felt worthy. That was a new and very foreign feeling for me. It was an internal state that was hard to describe but the word "bliss" seemed to capture it.
My YTT took place in this lovely little space in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The small studio was not fancy or sleek. It was warm, humble and inviting. It was sacred space and when I walked through the doors, it felt like my "bliss station" as Joseph Campbell so eloquently refers to a space such as this. I got filled up there.
When I left YTT and drove home to CLE from DE, I felt a deep sadness leaving my bliss station. It occurred to me that I could make a space like that when I got home. One that felt like a place to fill up on energy, love, creativity and whatever I was running low on. In that moment, driving down the road, I decided I would call this space Inner Bliss and it would be a "bliss station" and a yoga studio for me and hopefully others.
When I am feeling low and need to fill up my love tank, I get to my mat. Held within those 4 walls, for that hour, within those four corners of rubber, I can begin again and fill up on what I need most. If I can't get to the studio, then I create my bliss station at home or outside.