
What we look for, we will find.

It’s the nature of our minds and our innate ability as humans meet our beliefs. It could said that our beliefs are the strongest force in human nature. If we believe things are falling apart, and we search for proof, we will find evidence to support that belief everywhere. Finding the evidence will then strengthen the belief. As our belief grows, so will our actions supporting it. It is a rhythmic cycle.

There is a saying that goes, “Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car. Easy to spot opportunity when you are always thinking of opportunity. Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you are always thinking of being mad. You become what you constantly think about. Watch yourself.” Seneca

Right now and always, it is important to look for evidence that supports all that we would like to see more of in our world and in our lives. Look for evidence that you are growing stronger and more resilient, evidence that “this” is happening for us, not to us, evidence that love is winning. Look for proof that you are one kick ass, courageous, life affirming rock star! You will find evidence of your giant muscles, gritty fierceness, glitter-covered self, everywhere!

Big love,


Deep Listening.

