
Hello there!

It is an honor and a privilege to show up for you in the studio and pretty magical that we can now show up for you in your home.

Check out our new virtual studio, Bliss+, in your living room, family room or even outside on your deck, hotel room, on the beach or anywhere you are :)

I have wanted to build this library for years in response to student needs when they are traveling or kids at home make it difficult to get to the studio.

While the library is far from full, we are on our way! We will continue to build out tons of different classes, teachers and styles to meet you where you are in the moment!

Thank you for caring enough about IBY to open your mailbox and your heart to Daily Bliss. Thank you for showing up to practice with us on Facebook Live and mostly, thank you for believing in this practice as much as we do.

Big love,



