
Daily Bliss, from IBY teacher Abbey, about believing with fierce abandon…

…My junior year of college I had an internship as a student athletic trainer at a high school - it was the fall semester, so I was working with the football team. The team was not expected to go far in the playoffs, but we ended up winning the state championship. As we celebrated post-game I asked the head coach "Did you ever think we'd win the whole thing?!", he replied: "Ab, I never doubted it." Those words landed in me with a jolt and that moment is seared in my memory, primarily because it was my first experience with the power of belief. I'd always been so caught up in being "right" that I'd never considered allowing myself to be both vulnerable enough and courageous enough to believe something with abandon.

We're not playing football right now, but for many of us it may feel like we're down 10 at the half. There has been so much loss, and even more uncertainty. It's easy to get caught up trying to get it "right," but what if instead we allowed ourselves to believe fiercely? Choosing to believe shifts the focus from what has been lost or could be lost to what can be created. Belief gently urges us to move past any self-imposed limits, one small step at a time. Dream wildly, and then believe with abandon.

I believe this life is happening for us.

I believe that what's fallen away is making space for something better.

I believe in us, in the power of connection - whatever form it takes.


Stories like Abbey’s shared, pull us together in a time we have been apart. Thank you all. For sharing in this writing and sharing.

Big love,



