
Hello there!

We have a limited amount of attention in any given moment and where we place it matters. This is a truth I am working with and wanted to share my thoughts.

In most instances we get to choose what we pay attention to and there could be a fierce battle going on in any moment with both internal and external forces, desperately trying to win our attention.

And yet we get to choose. Will we pay our attention to the dread, the doubt, the fear or will we move our attention to focus on the hope, the help, the possibilities and the love?

On our mats, the practice asks us, encourages us, urges us - to pay attention to the breath, the movement of our bodies, the strength, the suppleness, the expansion matched with the hugging in, the tenderness matched with the determination. On our mats we practice continuously moving our attention back to the ever-nourishing breath and the fortifying force of the present moment. Our yoga practice is the ultimate training for directing our focus and building our muscle at paying attention in each moment to what matters most.

Notice what you choose to pay attention to today and if you find yourself fixated on something not in alignment with what you want to see more of, shift your attention.

Big love,


stay supple.


I’m back.