I’m back.

Hello there!

Wow! I’ve missed you all! It is my intention to begin again and get back to sharing my writing with you all. While I have been quiet here, I have continued my daily journaling practice and have been writing but I was chronically paralyzed by doubt. Doubt that my words were worthy of sharing.

Recently I ran into a student at Heinens and she said, “I really miss reading your blog - why did you stop writing it?” When I was faced with telling her out loud why I had been hiding, I came face to face with my doubt right there in the middle of the bananas and avocados. It was a turning point. I ended up babbling something about being busy but I had caught my doubt red-handed and it was an undeniable truth I now had to own.

That is the funny thing with doubt - which is really fear dressed up and disguised - “you can either forget everything and run or you can face everything and rise” in the words of Pitbull lol. So here I am, facing my doubt and determined to rise.

My intention is to write to you daily! Let’s go!

Big love, Tammy



