fall back into yoga.

One of the things I love most about this time of year is returning to my routines.

The summer fun is so fun but my body and mind crave routine and consistency. And I love September for that feeling of getting back to my mat on a regular basis! Do you all know what I mean? Just the ease of having a plan and flowing with it!

Right now I am determining what classes fit in with my other responsibilities and what time of day I will most likely to be able to commit to practicing regularly. I am thinking about trying to commit to a 4:30 class this fall while Brennen is at Cross Country and then I am home in time to make dinner! I also love the 10:45 am classes in River and the 11 am classes in Westlake on the days I am not teaching. I can work in the early morning and take a break to practice late morning! What works for you? I know for me, I am so much more productive when I fit my practice in!

I am also thinking about a home restorative practice once a week where I simply get out my mat and practice 3 sun salutations, a supine twist, a bridge and then I put my legs up the wall and rest. I will maybe add half pigeon before legs up the wall if I have a little extra time. This home practice only takes me about 18 minutes but leaves me feeling like a million bucks!

Falling back into my yoga practice is a non-negotiable for me. Yoga is simply what I believe in as the single most impactful way to live healthy, live with enthusiasm, live with energy, live with connection to something bigger, live with grace and to live with purpose.

Maybe I will see you at the studio soon getting back to your yoga routine! Or I will hear from you as you contemplate how a return to your regular yoga practice impacts you.

Either way, let’s go us! Let’s go fall back into yoga!

Big love,


lessons from the mountain.