the stories.
The stories we make up and tell ourselves are often worthy of an award for their ludicrous, chucklesome nature.
But, only in retrospect.
When we are in the middle of a story, there is often nothing humorous about it. You know, like the story about why your friend isn’t calling you or responding to your texts. The story that your friend probably wants nothing to do with you because said the wrong thing and are essentially a loser. It’s weird we have the same story isn’t it?
Try ditching those stories and instead, assume the best. Whoa. That is a profound idea and not easy and so not our habit. But it is worthy of consideration. The wasted energy on the often ridiculous stories, is energy we need. It is energy we can put into building something, writing something, singing something or creating something. That is the energy we can put into helping someone or sharing something.
The thing about our ludicrous stories is that they are almost always untrue. And, those kind of stories do not move us forward - they hold us back.
So for today, assume the best. When you catch yourself in a fictitious story, drop it. Refocus on what you are building and creating, sharing and catalyzing.
Biggest love,