practice repeat.

Good morning!

This is an excerpt from a past piece of writing…it felt like something worthy to share again.

Just like our asana practice, we need repetition to change patterns that are ingrained. Over and over we return to the remembering.

Maybe like you. I am in the midst of changing some patterns that snuck up on me during the pandemic and now are not really helping me live fully. So when I came upon this little piece below, it landed straight in my body like a “yep, needed this today”!

…What we practice, we grow. What we repeat, we feed. What we focus on, we build. What we look for, we find.

See that today what you practice, repeat, focus on and look for, are all in alignment with the longings of your heart and the deepest needs of your soul . This is simple but not easy. Fear is always lurking and ready to take the wheel. But you are stronger than the fears that limit you. I tell this to myself. It is simple, but not easy.

A good friend sent me this quote recently and as I read the words, it felt too familiar.

“The fears we don’t face become our limits.”

So today, I am determined to practice love, repeat love, focus on love and look for love everywhere.

Join me. We can do this, together ♥️

Big love, Tammy


come back.


generous present.