expansive, spacious.

Good morning to all of you + 2022!

Near the end of 2021, I began to consider how I wanted to feel as the holidays came to a close and the year stretched out in front of me.

Sitting still in the early hours of the morning, considering how I wanted to feel in my body, my mind and my heart. Imagining and then refining, visualizing and then getting clear.

The distillation process lead me to 2 words: Spacious + Expansive. This is how I want to feel as I lift my head up and stretch out the distance between my 2 shoulders - the land also known as the energetic home of my heart. This is how I want to feel as I make decisions about projects and determine who I spend time with, how I will meet my responsibilities and the way I will use the precious minutes of my days.

Expansive and spacious cannot exist without their opposites of contracted and constricted. So I know to feel expansive and spacious, I will also need to visit contracted and constricted regularly but with an alertness. I will contract on purpose with an alert mind and will constrict deliberately, fully present.

And then unwinding, stretching out, I will return to expansiveness and unclenching, releasing, I will return to spaciousness. It sounds pretty good, right?

I’ll keep you posted on how it is going.

And I will ask you - how do you want to feel in your body, mind and heart as we step into the great unknown of 2022?

Biggest love,


New Year Cleanse 10 Day Experience with Tammy Lyons!


2021 2022.